Agenda for January 2011 meeting

Meeting Chair: Elaine

1.      Approvals

1.1.   December minutes (posted 12/12/10).

2.      Proposals

2.1.   Newsletter - there has been no progress - do we:

(a) continue to leave it to the working group and hope something will happen

(b) ask a main committee member to take over chairing it in an attempt to spur progress

3.      Follow ups

3.1.   Membership database

4.      Subcommittee Progress Reports (suggested topics listed)

4.1.   Venue (2012)

4.2.   Tech (proposal form issues)

4.3.   Publications/publicity (advertising, brochure draft)

4.4.   Constitution (progress on governance policy)

4.5.   Fundraising (progress on fundraising)

4.6.   Youth (hiding email addresses, funding, recruitment, childcare booking)

4.7.   Programme (CfP, deadline decisions, subsidy decision(s), leisure issues)

5.      Key position progress reports (matters not covered earlier)

5.1.   Venue coordinator (Have we received venue's H & S policy?)

5.2.   Treasurer (VAT exemption, progress of accounts, accountant)

5.3.   Company Secretary (CRBs, charity form)

5.4.   Chair (Elaine as interim Dec-Jan chair)

6.      Any other business