Minutes of August 2009 meeting

Autscape Management Committee Meeting Minutes

Date: Tuesday 11th August 2009
The meeting opened at 11:32

Present at the meeting were Peter, Debbie, Yo, Martijn, Selina, Trish.
Apologies were received from Robin and Larry. There were three observers.

1.0 Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
For: 4; Against: 0; Abstain: 2 

2.0 Decisions

2.1 Organiser rebate

As Robin was not present, this items was deferred to the list.
ACTION: [all] to discuss on list.

2.2 Markup for merchandise
2.2.1 How should the markup be done this year? (Last year was ~20%.)
2.2.2 To make pricing easier (for buyers and sellers) should we have
      a small number of price bands to simplify the pricing?

There were various suggestions, which never really reached a conclusion. This
item was then deferred to the list.

2.3 Labelling

The committee agreed that we should we label our sensory equipment.

2.4 Behaviour policy

The committee agreed to adopt the behaviour policy, which determines under
what circumstances we might need to intervene to stop inappropriate behaviour.
For: 5; Against: 0; Abstain: 1

2.5 Feedback forms

The committee agreed that:

1) Forms should be laid out on seats (provided that we have time to do so)
2) There should not be a time set aside for feedback forms between the
presentation and Q&A.
3) Likewise, there should not be time set aside at the AGM
4) We should remind people of the on-line option
5) We should not give immediate feedback to participants

Part 5 attracted some some discussion, the result of which was that we decided
that giving immediate feedback could accidentally give away personally
identifiable information, and that it takes time to analyse the forms
properly.  There were two dissenting voices - Selina and Trish were keen to
have the option of giving feedback as we receive it, however, the majority
view was against.

3.0 Progress reports

3.1 Activities schedule

Martijn said that the subcommittee had nearly finished, and thanked Debbie and
Kalen for their contributions.

3.2 Info pack

Peter said that the info pack had been sent to people without internet access,
and that we would like to split the travel section off from the rest of the
info pack next year.

3.3 Materials for printing

Larry wasn't present - item skipped.

3.4 Communication badges

Robin wasn't present - item skipped.

3.5 Picture signs

Trish has nearly finished drawing the signs. She will print on card, and we
can discard any that are no good. Martijn thanked Trish for her work.

3.6 Certificates of Attendance

Martijn said that they done and printed.

3.7 Feedback forms

Selina asked for help with the raffle arrangements. Debbie offered to help.

3.8 Senory equipment and merchandise [not on the agenda]

Debbie said that one item arrived broken and would be replaced. Two items were
not available and have been cancelled. We'll take tshirt orders at the event.

4.0 AOB

Selina asked if there was any reason to think anyone is opposed to a GBP 155
organiser rebate. Debbie, Yo and Peter wanted more information about the state
of the accounts in order to make a decision.

Peter said that there was no need to pay quickly only to be refunded later,
but that organisers should budget as if the organiser rebate will be be agreed.

The meeting closed at 12:30.