Autscape Management Committee Meeting Minutes Date: Sunday 20th September 2009 The meeting opened at 15.08 Present at the meeting: Kalen, Martijn, Peter, Debbie, Dave, Kabie, Trish, Yo. Apologies: Robin Three observers. 1.0 Provisionally approve minutes of 2009 AGM, which were posted to the committee list on 13 September. Approved: 4 for, 4 abstain 2. Committee positions approval 2.1. Co-ordinators 2.1.1. Venue co-ordinator - Peter 2.1.2. Programme co-ordinator - Martijn 2.1.3. Technical co-ordinator - Peter Approved. 7 for, 1 abstain 2.2 Sub-committee chairs: 2.2.1. Venue - Peter 2.2.2. Tech - Peter 2.2.3. Publications/publicity - Yo 2.2.4. Constitution - Yo 2.2.5. Fundraising - Kabie 2.2.6. Childcare - Kabie 2.2.7. Programme - Martijn Approved. 7 for, 1 abstain 2.3 Vices and assistants 2.3.1. Vice Chair - Debbie 2.3.3. Vice Treasurer - Robin 2.3.4. Assistant venue co-ordinator - Robin 2.3.5. Assistant programme co-ordinator - Kalen Approved. Unanimous. 2.3.2 Vice secretary (interim) - Trish Approved. 7 for, 1 abstain 2.3.6 Assistant technical co-ordinator - Dave Approved. 7 for, 1 abstain 2.4 Other responsible positions 2.4.1. Communications - Trish, with assistance from Debbie 2.4.2. Merchandise and sensory room equipment purchasing - Dave Approved. 6 for, 2 abstain 3.0 Sub-committees 3.1 Venue (Peter) Nothing to report but hope to get going soon 3.2 Tech (Peter) Nothing to report but hope to get going soon 3.3 Publications/publicity (Yo). Pub has decision making procedures in place, has drawn up a task list and some deadlines and has started work 3.4 Constitution - (Yo) Unable to report at this time due to confidential issues under discussion on the committee list 3.5 Fundraising (Kabie) Have decision making procedure. Have identified priorities for funding and are searching for funders. Hope to have the first round of applications off before Christmas. 3.6 Childcare (Kabie) Nothing to report. No members of the SC yet. Will be looking at previous ammerdown childcare as a start. 3.7 Programme (Martijn) Not started yet. Nothing to report. 4.0 Proposals 4.1 Participant confidentiality and management of SC membership 4.1.1 That agreement to abide by the participant confidentiality agreement is required of members of the following sub-committees: Venue Tech Fundraising Childcare (modified to exclude Programme) Approved. 7 for, 1 abstain Issue of programme subcommittee still outstanding. Martijn did not feel they needed to handle confidential information however this was not agreed by all. 4.1.2 that if a subcommittee member of whom it is required persistently fails to respond to requests to register their agreement to the participant confidentiality agreement, their subcommittee membership can (at the discretion of the sc chair) be suspended until their agreement is obtained. This issue was deferred to the committee list for further discussion (see below) 4.1.3.That if a member of a subcommittee remains suspended for more than 60 days their subcommittee membership can (with the approval of the main committee chair) be terminated. This issue along with 4.1.2 was deferred to the committee list for further discussion. Issues were raised around the lack of difference between suspension and removal from a subcommittee given the way they currently work. It was suggested that we may need a method of automatically requiring potential members to agree before joining but this also created concern around making it harder to join subcommittees. 4.2 SC-pub would like approval in principle of the concept of a generic brochure (with only dates and venue changing each year) and a general business card (for members to hand out to people giving the website address) which would allow us to advertise Autscape all year round. An insert would be produced later in each year to provide details of the programme and registration information. Approved. Unanimous. 4.3 Yo would like to request the committee's permission to explore the possibility of creating a youth programme for 2010. Initially this would involve setting up an email list and inviting/encouraging young people (10-18) to join it. This email list would work separately from but alongside the childcare SC (and provisional agreement has been obtained from Kabie to this co-ordination) towards the development of a youth programme. Yo would like to chair this email list and take overall responsibility for the development of the programme but as far as possible would intend to support young autistic (and AC friendly) people to have ownership of their own programme. Proposal withdrawn after discussion and concerns raised by Peter about CRB checks etc. ongoing discussion onlist regarding CRB concerns generally. 5.0 Ratifications 5.1 Appointment of Yo as committee's liaison to the solicitor in relation to the incorporation and charity registration process (originally agreed in May 2008) Approved. 5 for, 1 against, 2 abstain 5.2 Company secretary designate to be Yo (again, confirmation of a previous decision) Approved. 6 for, 2 abstain 5.3 Vice company secretary designate Deferred until necessary, probably later this year. 6. Questions and clarifications 6.1 Interim accounts Final accounts cannot be completed until next month when all the cheques have cleared and the Autscape financial year is over. Vote to approve the interim accounts as posted by Robin on 18/09/09. Not approved. 3 against, 5 abstain. We will come back to the accounts next month when the final ones should be available and Robin has had a chance to answer any questions. 7. Any other business. None raised Meeting closed at 16.51