Autscape Management Committee Meeting Minutes Date: Sunday 17th January 2010 at 15:00 GMT Present: Yo, Peter B, Martijn, Trish, Kalen, Dave, Kabie. Absent: Robin. 3 observers. 1. Approvals 1.1. Approve minutes of December meeting December's meeting had two parts. Part 1 was open to observers, part 2 was closed. Part 1 Approved. 5 approve, 2 abstain. Part 2 Approved. 5 approve, 2 abstain. 1.2. Provisional approval of 2008/09 accounts (subject to final approval by a general meeting) Approved. 5 approve, 2 abstain 2. Ratifications 2.1. Expenditure of GBP 215 for Communication advert This is for an advert that has been sent to the NAS Communication magazine. Approved, unanimous 3. Proposals and delegations 3.1. To co-opt Debbie F. to the committee, effective from the end of this meeting. Approved, unanimous 3.2. To change the chair of venue SC from Peter to Debbie (other volunteers also welcome) Approved, unanimous. Peter also noted that he would continue to work on matters relating to this year at Ammerdown, but that Debbie would handle responsibilities relating to the 2011 venue. 3.3. To delegate finding and liaising with an accountant. Vote to approve Kabie to find and liaise with an accountant. Approved. 6 approve, 1 abstain 3.4. To delegate stationery purchase, badges preparation and printing to Dave. Approved. 6 Approve, 1 abstain 3.5. Request draft budget and fee levels for 2010 from treasurer by Feb meeting. During a discussion on providing the necessary information Kalen confirmed the intention to select around 9 presentations this year. The committee agreed to request a draft budget and fee levels from the treasurer for the next meeting. 3.6. Decision on subsidy for presenters: (a) full subsidy (i.e. free attendance) (b) 50% subsidy (c) 1 day (24 hours) free attendance (as last year) 6 votes for (c), 1 abstention. Yo (abstaining) asked that it be minuted that she was unable to vote on this proposal due to not having essential information in advance of the meeting. 4. Reports and follow-ups 4.1. Kabie on contact with the ISA Kabie agreed to post the entire email contact to list 5. Subcommittee Progress Reports 5.1. Venue Peter (venue chair) reported that the venue sc has discussed how to handle people who register late fairly, while at the same time allowing people who book early to get favourable rates on train tickets. This is effectively a continuation of a topic from last year. There is no conclusion as yet, but the sc is making progress. When the sc has something firm, Peter (or Debbie - about to take over chairing this sc) will bring it up to the committee. 5.2. Tech Peter (Tech chair) reported that Kalen had asked for a reminder system for committee meetings. Peter has made some comments on it, but nobody else on sc-tech had anything to say and nothing is in place yet. 5.3. Publications/publicity This month sc-pub has drafted and placed an ad in Communication. Yo (Pub chair) reported that sc-pub are currently drafting an ad for Asperger United. Sc-pub has been working on designing a business card and are currently voting on an Autscape slogan to go on the card. The FAQs are close to completion. Sc-pub hopes to make some progress on updating text on the website soon. 5.4. Constitution This month sc-cons has got back on track with discussing the proposed governing documents for the charitable company. Our solicitor is currently working on a second draft of these which will accommodate some recent changes in company law and some of the issues raised in discussions on sc-cons so far. Yo reported that, as sc-cons chair, she has begun the process of collecting personal information from all the proposed company directors and posted an outline timetable for the incorporation and charity registration. 5.5. Fundraising No chair at present. Kalen will try to recruit someone but at present need to assume no funding this year. 5.6. Childcare No progress. 5.7. Programme - CfP progress Martijn (Prog chair) reported that he has been quite ill with influenza for over a week so things have been a bit further delayed. Right now, the Call for Proposals is in an advanced draft stage. No one on sc-prog objected to the included theme description. Now that the presenters' subsidy issue has been decided, at least for the time being, all that's left is to decide the proposal deadline and associated deadlines, which Martijn hopes the committee is happy to leave to the Programme SC to sort out. After sc-prog gets that done, hopefully tonight or otherwise tomorrow, Martijn will finally be able to send out the Call for Proposals. 6. Key position progress reports (matters not covered earlier) 6.1. Treasurer - Situation regarding bank form Peter apologised for the delay and explained the need to include his change of address. He stated his intention to leave Debbie as a signatory given the decision in 3.1 earlier. 6.2. Secretary Yo explained that her PhD deadline is the end of February and her availability will be very limited for the next 6 weeks. She noted the need to reorganise the files as a significant outstanding issue. 6.3. Chair The Chair expressed pleasure with recent progress. 7. Any Other Business 7.1 The need for a stable correspondence address and phone number were discussed. Peter offered his address and the issue of a phone number was deferred to the list. 7.2 The Chair noted that Debbie has been informally delegated to research transport options for Bath to Ammerdown. Meeting closed at 16:56.