This page about Autscape 2014 is of historical interest only. Go to the home page for current information.
Flexible Fee
If you are willing and able to be flexible in your room choice then our lower cost flexible fee is for you. This special fee is available to all adults (including professionals and carers).
With this fee you will be randomly assigned one of the leftover bedrooms. There is no choice in the type of room, its location in the venue or any other aspect of your accommodation.
- Your room will be on the ground floor or up a flight of stairs, with or without chair lift access.
- It will be either a single or a twin.
- It may be a standard room or it may be an en-suite room.
- We regret we cannot take requests for room mates or requests for rooms to be close to another person's with this fee type. If you want to share with a specific person please choose our standard or en-suite fee type.
- We will not be able to confirm your room type until you arrive for registration at the venue (last minute changes do happen!).
By selecting this option you are helping us to make best use of the bed spaces available and reducing the time it takes us to make last minute adjustments.
Please direct any queries about these rooms to