Registration & fees

This page about Autscape 2014 is of historical interest only. Go to the home page for current information.

10% discount for bookings occupying large standard rooms

If your booking fills one of the venue's standard large rooms, we will give you an additional 10% of your total room fee. This discount is applicable to all people on the booking. The person count excludes babes in arms who are using a cot.

Rooms in scheme

  1. One room has a double bed and one single bed. This is the only family room on the ground floor. This must be occupied by 3 people to avail of the discount.
  2. Three rooms each consist of one double bed and two single beds. The minimum fill to avail of the discount is 3 people please.
  3. The last room can fit six people. It has one double bed and two pairs of single bunk beds. It has plenty of room for an additional cot. We would prefer at least four people to be sharing this six person room please.

Accessibility Note: With the exception of the first listed room, all these rooms are in the old part of the building up one flight of stairs. While there is no lift, the stairs comes down very close to the dining room.

This 10% discount applies to all occupants of the room (including carers, professionals, children and people taking the low income discount).

Please direct any queries about these rooms to

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