Registration & fees

This page about Autscape 2014 is of historical interest only. Go to the home page for current information.

Low Income Fees Further Information

The low income fee provides a discount of 10% off your Autscape fee. The booking system will calculate the amount payable for you.

Who can avail of this fee?

This fee is not available to carers (who are already discounted as much as possible) and professionals. Many of those who attend Autscape are on benefits and some people who are working for low pay have less money than some who are on benefits, so we don't have a clear cut way of deciding what is low income and we don't require proof. We encourage you to pay the full rate if you can afford it.

If you have very little money and the small discount would make a substantial difference to your life, then you may pay the low income rate.

How much do I pay?

En-suite Standard Flexible
Adult £220.50 £193.50 £175.50
Child 6-16 £139.50 (£112.50 if sharing) £112.50 N/A
Child 0-5 £76.50 (£49.50 if sharing) £49.50 N/A