Registration & fees

This page about Autscape 2014 is of historical interest only. Go to the home page for current information.

Registration for Autscape 2014 has closed.
Click here to review an existing booking.

2014 Adult Taster Day Fee

This year we have a new fee for those who would like to try Autscape. It is aimed at people who cannot stay for a full day.

Taster fee
Amount payable
Adult £40
Carer/PA £35

Notes (taster-residential)

What is included:
Five hours of Autscape, attendance of presentations and workshops, use of Autscape's and the venue's facilities including the outdoor pool (unheated).
Low income discount:
We can apply a 10% discount to your fee if you have a low income. (Not available to carers.) Many of those who attend Autscape are on benefits and some people who are working for low pay have less money than some who are on benefits, so we don't have a clear cut way of deciding what is low income and we don't require proof. We encourage you to pay the full rate if you can afford it. If you have very little money and this small 10% discount would make a substantial difference to your life, then you may pay the low income rate of £36.
Taster day
Arrive after 9am, leave before 6:30pm and stay for a maximum of five hours.
This must be booked in advance during our registration period.
You are welcome to join us for lunch. Your booking form will include a space for dietary requirements.
This fee is only for people coming for one day, if you wish to come for multiple days please take our non-residential option
There are a limited number of these special taster places available per day.
Membership of Autscape, which gives you voting rights at the AGM, costs £5.00 and provides a £5.00 discount on bookings.
Carers and PAs attend Autscape only to facilitate the attendance of someone else who otherwise would be unable to come. Carers are not eligible for a low income discount because their fee is already as low as possible.

Please check our policy page for cancellation charges and our payment policy.

On-line booking

Click here to make a booking on-line.