Minutes of December 2019 meeting

Minutes of meeting of the Board of Directors of the Autscape Organisation
Meeting date: 21st December 2019
Meeting time: 14:00 BST
Meeting Chair: Martijn
Present: Fergus, Heta, Jenny, Jeremy, Martijn, Elaine, Kalen
No observers

Meeting opened 14:09.

1. Approvals
1.1. Minutes of the November 2019 meeting posted to the list on December 19
It was pointed out that in some of the proposals, present tense should be changed to past tense, from ‘proposes’ to ‘proposed’.
The minutes were approved subject to these amendments, 8 for.

2. Ratifications
No ratifications.

3. Proposals
3.1. The Treasurer proposed James Pelham to be appointed as bank signatory.

The Treasurer had informed the Board that Peter is no longer available to act as signatory.

The motion was carried, 8 for.

3.2. The Company Secretary proposed that the board accept the contract for Giggleswick 2020 (Appendix 1).

The motion was carried, 8 for.

3.3.1. The Event Manager proposed that the Board accept the following fee structure for Autscape 2020 (UK):
£240 single
£190 twin
£175 triple or larger
£200 single
£140 twin
£ 125 triple or larger
Day fees £65 one day, £130 wo or more days
Child: £45 one day, £130 two or more days

The motion was carried, 8 for.

The residential fees refer to three nights’ stay. The extra night was not included in this proposal.

3.3.2. The Event Manager proposed that the Board accept the following organiser discounts for Autscape 2020 (UK):

75% for members of the core organising team and 50 % for other organisers.

The proposal was discussed briefly. It turned out that the organising team had not had enough time to discuss it, and there was some disagreement.

The item was deferred to the next meeting.

3.4. Autscape event in Ireland 2020

3.4.1. The Honorary Secretary proposed that the board approve the attached proposal, posted to list on December 17, for an Autscape event to be held in Ireland in April 2020 (Appendix 2).

The motion was carried, 8 for.

3.4.2. In accordance with the Event Management policy the Company Secretary proposed that the Organising Committee are informed that the Board will:
A. Contribute to the event
B. Not contribute to the event

Kalen explained that the Irish organisers were likely to receive funding from elsewhere, but did not have it yet.
Heta suggested considering the possibility of contributing something from the donations received within the previous two months.

Option B was carried, 8 for.

3.4.3. In accordance with the Event Management policy the Company Secretary proposed that the Organising Committee are informed that the Board wish to
A. Lower the reserves
B. Maintain the reserves
C. Increase the reserves

Kalen, Jeremy and James suggested option B, on the basis that a first attempt at an event should not have to contribute.

Jeremy pointed out that the Board had voted the previous month on reserves and how to change them accordingly with the main event.

Option B was carried, 8 for.

4. Follow-ups
No follow-ups.

5. Role reports

Fundraising coordinator (Jenny), report posted to list on Dec 19:

A draft Fundraising Strategy document was submitted to the Board on 1st December 2019 in order to promote discussion on this subject. A number of Board members have responded initially (thank you) and I'm wondering, could I propose, say having 10-15 minutes in the up-coming meetings with the aim of finalising the strategy by the end of June 2020?

No other role reports.

6. Any Other Business

Kalen pointed out that the Irish organisers needed a Board member on their team.

Elaine pointed out that the Board also needs to appoint a bookkeeper, who should be able to process payments through the Autscape system. The Treasurer would be involved and delegate tasks to the bookkeeper.

6.1. The Chair proposed that Kalen be appointed as the designated board member to join the Irish event's organiser team.

The motion was carried, 8 for.
6.2. Bookkeeper for the Irish event
The item was deferred to the list, to be treated with priority.
6.3. Schedule for the Bursary Policy
Heta asked when the Bursary Policy for 2020 should be ready. Elaine replied that it should be done before registration opens. There was some uncertainty about when this would happen, and it was agreed that the matter should be discussed on the list.
The meeting was closed at 15:01.