Agenda for December 21 2019 board
Meeting to be held at 2pm BST on Saturday 21
December 2019 at #autscape
1. Approvals
1.1. Minutes of the November 2019 meeting posted to
the list on December 18.
2. Ratifications
No ratifications
3. Proposals
3.1. The Treasurer proposes James Pelham to be
appointed as bank signatory.
The Treasurer has informed the Board that Peter is
no longer available to act as signatory.
3.2. The Company Secretary proposes that the board
accept the contract for Giggleswick 2020
3.3. Autscape 2020 (UK) fees and organiser
3.3.1. The Event Manager proposes that the Board
accept the following fee structure for Autscape 2020 (UK):
240 single
190 twin
175 triple or larger
200 single
140 twin
125 triple or larger
Day fees £65 one day, £130 two or more days.
Child: £45 one day / £90 two or more days.
3.3.2. The Event Manager proposes that the Board
accept the following organiser discounts for Autscape 2020
75 % for members of the core organising team an 50
% for other organisers.
3.4. Autscape event in Ireland 2020
3.4.1. The Honorary Secretary proposes that the
board approve the attached proposal, posted to list on December 17,
for an Autscape event to be held in Ireland in April 2020
3.4.2. In accordance with the Event Management
policy the Company Secretary proposes that the Organising Committee
are informed that the Board will
A. Contribute to the event
B. Not contribute to the event
3.4.3. In accordance with the Event Management
policy the Company Secretary proposes that the Organising Committee
are informed that the Board wish to
A. Lower the reserves
B. Maintain the reserves
C. Increase the reserves
4. Follow-ups
No follow-ups.
5. Role reports
Fundraising coordinator (Jenny), report posted to
list on Dec 19:
A draft
Fundraising Strategy document was submitted to the Board on 1st
December 2019 in order to promote discussion on this subject. A
number of Board members have responded initially (thank you) and
I'm wondering, could I propose, say having 10-15 minutes in the
up-coming meetings with the aim of finalising the strategy by the
end of June 2020?
No other role reports.
6. Any Other Business