Agenda for January 26 2020 board meeting
Meeting to be held at 2pm GMT on Sunday 26 January 2020 at #autscape
1. Approvals
1.1. Minutes of the December 2019 meeting posted to the list on January 18.
2. Ratifications
No ratifications
3. Proposals
3.1. Autscape Ireland
3.1.1. The Honorary Secretary proposes that the Board accept the Phase 2 proposal for Autscape Ireland, posted to list on January 24 (Appendix 1).
3.1.2. The Finance Officer for Autscape Ireland proposes that the Board accept the following fee structure for Autscape Ireland
Standard (single room): €265
Low income: €225
Higher: €295
Child and carer: TBA
3.1.3. The Finance Officer for Autscape Ireland proposes the Lingard donation to be used to underwrite Autscape Ireland 2020.
This means that any loss would come out of the donation instead of general reserves.
3.2. Bursaries
3.2.1. The Bursary Committee proposes that the Board accept the following policy for Autscape UK 2020:
Bursaries will:
- Be available for all room types and for off-site accommodation (but only if the Registrar cannot find a suitable room onsite.)
- Consider travel as a reason for a bursary, or for a larger bursary.
- Be available for non-participating carers and dependants without the need to justify this by financial hardship.
- Be granted in the form of charging lower fees, not reimbursing expenses.
- Not be available to cover an extra night, apart from in very exceptional circumstances.
- Not be available to cover the non-refundable deposit.
- In most cases be set amounts, e.g. £50/£100.
The bursary committee has the authority to vary these set amounts.
Bursary applications for Autscape 2020 will be submitted to the Bursary Committee on the bursary application form provided during the registration period (exact dates to follow).
3.2.2. The Bursary Committee proposes that the Board accept the following policy for Autscape Ireland 2020:
Bursaries will:
- Be available for all room types and for off-site accommodation (but only if the Registrar cannot find a suitable room onsite.)
- Consider travel as a reason for a bursary, or for a larger bursary.
- Be available for non-participating carers and dependants without the need to justify this by financial hardship.
- Be granted in the form of charging lower fees, not reimbursing expenses.
- Not be available to cover an extra night, apart from in very exceptional circumstances.
- Not be available to cover the non-refundable deposit.
- In most cases be set amounts, e.g. £50/£100.
The bursary committee has the authority to vary these set amounts.
Bursary applications for Autscape 2020 will be submitted to the Bursary Committee on the bursary application form provided during the registration period (exact dates to follow).
3.2.3. The Bursary Committee proposes the bursary fund to be divided between Autscape UK and Autscape Ireland as follows:
- Autscape UK - £1381
- Autscape Ireland - £500
(Total - £1881.) The Bursary Committee has the authority to move funds between these amounts.
3.3. Facilitating future Autscape events outside the UK
3.3.1. The Finance Officer for Autscape Ireland proposes Autscape to be registered as a charity operating in Ireland.
This would be free, and a volunteer is available to carry out the task.
3.3.2. The Finance Officer for Autscape Ireland proposes that the Board research the possibility of opening a bank account in Euros in the UK.
3.4. The Fundraising Coordinator proposes that the Board cover the cost of two fundraising courses that she wishes to attend.
4. Follow-ups
4.1. Organiser discounts
5. Role reports
5.1. Chair (Martijn)
5.2. Company Secretary (Elaine)
5.3. Honorary Secretary (Heta)
5.4. Treasurer (Jeremy)
5.5. Event Manager Autscape UK 2020 (James)
5.6. Membership Secretary (Jeremy)
5.7. Fundraising coordinator (Jenny)
5.8. Tech coordinator (Martijn)
5.9. Lists coordinator (Kalen)
5.10. Venue search coordinator (Elaine)
5.11. Event Manager Autscape Ireland 2020 (Mary)
6. Any Other Business
Closed part of the meeting
7. Roles
7.1. Chair of the Bursary Committee
Nominations: Heta
7.2. Irish advisor for the Bursary Committee
Nomination - none
7.3. Bookkeeper for Autscape Ireland
Nominations - none
8. Change in the core organising team for Autscape Ireland
Kalen (Board liaison on the Irish organising team) proposes that the Board accept a change in the composition of the Irish team.
Clare P is leaving the team and Elaine M wishes to join.
9. Board member resignation
The Board is notified that Debbie has resigned from her position on the Board.
10. Refunds
[Confidential participant matter redacted]
11. Any Other Business