Minutes of meeting of the Board of Directors of the Autscape Organisation
Meeting date: 26th June 2021
Meeting time: 14:00 GMT
Meeting Chair: Martijn
Present: Elaine, Heta, James, Jeremy, Kalen, Richard, Fergus (from 14:09 to 15:04), Martijn until 15:36.
Apologies: None
One observer.
1. Approvals
1.1. Minutes of the 29th May meeting, posted to the list on 24th June.
The minutes were approved, 7 for
2. Ratifications
No ratifications.
3. Proposals
3.1. The Programme Manager proposed that the board accept the proposed list of presentations to be approved for the main programme at Autscape 2021.
(Fergus joined the meeting)
The motion was carried, 8 for.
3.2. The Programme Manager proposed that the supporting activities (including Discord) run from Mon 19th July to Fri 30th July.
The motion was carried, 8 for.
3.3. Changes to membership
3.3.1. The company secretary proposed that from September 2021 membership will be annually from the day they pay their membership fee to the day before in the following year eg. 10th April 21 to 9th April 22.
The motion was carried, 7 for.
3.3.2. The company secretary proposed that from September 2021 the membership fee is increased to 10 GBP annually.
The motion was not carried, 5 against, 2 for.
3.3.3. The company secretary proposed that members are given discounts at events at the discretion of the organising committee for that event.
The motion was carried, 7 for.
3.3.4. The company secretary proposed that from September 2021 members are invited to renew their membership one month before it is due to end.
The proposal was amended to:
3.3.4. The company secretary proposes that from September 2021 members are invited to renew their membership approximately one month before it is due to end.
The motion was carried as amended, 7 for.
3.3.5. The company secretary proposed that from September 2021 anybody who becomes a member will have to opt in for any further information or notifications (depending on what is available at the time) eg. Announce list, members' bulletins, newsletters.
The proposal was amended to:
3.3.5. The company secretary proposes that from September 2021 anybody who becomes a member will have to opt in for any non-essential information or notifications, e.g. the Announce list or newsletters.
The motion was carried as amended, 7 for.
(Fergus left the meeting)
4. Follow-ups
No follow-ups.
5. Role reports
5.1. The Company Secretary reported that the annual report and accounts would need to be filed soon. She was working on the annual report and on GDPR -related matters. The solicitor she had contacted was no longer available. She needed to find someone else to provide advice on overseas events.
5.2. The Treasurer reported that the accounts had been completed.
5.3. The Venue search coordinator reported that it was necessary to start considering venues for 2023.
6. Any Other Business
6.1. James asked for clarity on what would be offered to approved speakers in terms of fees.
It was concluded that this was an organising team matter, and the organising team would meet immediately after the Board meeting to make the decision.
6.2. Elaine suggested nominating a new Membership Secretary in a closed part of the meeting.
[The Chair handed over the chairing of the meeting to the Vice-Chair and left at 15:36]
The matter of nominating the Membership Secretary was deferred to the next meeting.
The meeting was closed at 15:40