How to get to the venue

This page about Autscape 2008 is of historical interest only. Go to the home page for current information.

Autscape 2008 was held in Giggleswick school near Settle in the Yorkshire Dales.

Train timetable for July 2008


Carlisle 11:51 14:00
Morecambe 12:44
Lancaster 13:15
Leeds 12:49 13:49
Shipley 13:02 14:03
Skipton 13:24 14:26
Settle 13:28 13:48 15:38
Giggleswick 13:58 14:51


Settle 13:28 13:48 15:38
Giggleswick 13:58 14:51
Skipton 13:53 14:26 16:05
Shipley 14:19 14:49 16:31
Leeds 14:37 15:06 16:51
Lancaster 15:38
Morecambe 16:13
Carlisle 15:32

Principal stations are shown in bold.