Autscape Management Committee Meeting Minutes Date: Thursday 15th October 2009 Meeting opened 12.30 Present: Kalen, Martijn, Peter, Debbie, Dave, Kabie. Apologies: Robin, Yo, Trish (who may arrive later) 1. Approve minutes of the September committee meeting Approved. 5 6 approve, 1 abstain 2. Financial issues 2.1. Accounts 2.1.1. Approval of interim accounts Deferred due to absence of Robin (unanimous) 2.1.2. Status of final accounts Deferred due to absence of Robin (unanimous) 2.2. That the treasurer seek a suitable accountant asap and arrange an initial meeting to seek advice on appropriate internal accounting procedures to meet the requirements of a charitable company(subject to budget) Approved. Unanimous. Trish joined the meeting at this point 3. Proposals 3.1. The publicity SC requests a budget of 50 to print Autscape business cards. approved. Unanimous 3.2. (rewritten)To delegate Peter to have specific responsibility for moderating the chat and plan lists. Martijn will act as backup and any other committee members who read the list, e.g. Trish and Kalen, will bring items of concern to Peter's attention as necessary. There was discussion over what was required and whether we kept the list civil or whether there was need for further censorship, Civil was considered to be sufficient. Approved. 6 for, 1 abstention. (and Yo approved of concept by proxy) 3.3. Safeguarding 3.3.1. That QUALIFIED ADVICE be sought with regards to Safeguarding regulations and how this may affect current and future activities and service of Autscape. The regulations come into effect July 2010. This was a vote to approve the concept that it should be sought, not who would seek it. There was mention that this may affect the conference not just the list for children. Approved. unanimous. 3.3.2. (amended) To delegate Kabie to make initial attempts to find a suitable source of this advice and cost it. Approved. 6 for. 1 abstention. TEN MINUTE BREAK 3.4. SC confidentiality 3.4.1 That agreement to the confidentiality policy not be required for members of the following sub-committees: Constitution, publicity, programme: There was some confusion and discussion. (constitution) approved. 7 for. 1 against. (publicity) approved. 7 for. 1 against. (programme) approved. 5 for. 3 against. 3.4.2. That chairs of sub-committees whose members are not required to agree to the participant confidentiality policy should take reasonable measures to keep confidential information about participants from the list. The SC chair will ensure that agreement to the participant confidentiality policy is obtained from a sub- committee member prior to that member handling confidential information. Approved. 7 for. 1 against. 3.5 That SC chairs have the power to revoke the SC membership of any member who repeatedly fails to respond to requests to agree to the participant confidentiality agreement or (off list) probes to ascertain whether they are still present. Use of this power must be reported to the management committee chair. This does not prevent a SC member whose membership is revoked from re-joining the sc at any time. It is also not a mandate, but may be used at the sc chair's discretion. There was discussion over how members would be prompted and whether it was intrusive, and agreed a prompt off list by the sc chair would be sufficient to ensure the email address was not obsolete. Further discussion addressed use of the confidentiality agreement in specific circumstances and whether cliques could be formed. A vote was taken due to time constraints but discussion will continue on list. Approved. 6 for. 1 against. 1 abstain. 3.6. That the programme sub-committee invite at least one and not more than 3 presenters (negotiable) with expertise in a desired topic to present at Autscape 2010. The invited presenter(s) would not be required to submit a proposal to be decided on by the committee. They would be offered the same incentives (e.g. free attendance) as presenters who propose via the normal route. Kalen explained it was this many as not all presenters reply immediately. Yo's comment (mentioned later) on 3.6 which was: "I don't want to see a 'class divide' develop between presenters but I reluctantly accept that invitations are necessary to attract certain people/topics who might never propose otherwise" Approved. 7 for. 1 abstain. 4. Progress reports (matters not covered earlier) 4.1 Sub-committee progress reports 4.1.1. Venue. No progress 4.1.2 Tech. As for venue. 4.1.3. Publications/publicity No progress this month. Hope to get on with business cards soon if committee has approved budget. 4.1.4 Constitution No progress due to unresolved issue 4.1.5 Fundraising no progress 4.1.6. Childcare no progress 4.1.7. Programme Got it started, asked for all members to introduce themselves and say what they have to offer. 4.2. Key position progress reports 4.2.1. Treasurer Not present. As of 28 Sept our balance was £6,507.12 4.2.2. Secretary Yo has nothing to report 4.2.3 Chair Not a great month for Autscape. I have been completely snowed under with university work and with suddenly having my kids full time. I hope that will improve as I settle in to university. 5. Any other business